8. Jesuit Schools are committed to being a Global Network at the service of the Mission

  1. In an address to Philippine educators in 2009. Father Nicolas reminded his listeners of the call to universality that is at the heart of the Jesuit enterprise. He said:
  2. “There is nothing of [this] narrowness in Ignatius’ vision of life. He was always a man of large vistas: he loved to look at the stars, at the vastness of the sky that reflected the universal, all-embracing love of God. Ignatius’ concern was always the more “universal good,” he always wanted Jesuits to be ready to serve anywhere where there is hope for God’s glory. And he gathered around himself such a diverse group of men, of different languages, cultures, nationalities and personalities, to form a single group of friends in the Lord, who transcended their little differences, in their common dedication to the same universal mission…The great challenges of the world cannot be responded to by one province, one region alone, or by Jesuits alone.” [63]
  3. Technological advances have brought remarkable new opportunities to make this call to universality a reality.
  4. Certainly, in the local context, Jesuit schools should network:

    1. With government schools and agencies to promote quality education for all;
    2. With NGO’s committed to improving educational opportunities for the common good;
    3. With providers of medical and social services that address the wide range of students’ needs;
    4. With Jesuit parishes and retreat houses to nourish the spiritual life of teachers and other members of the school community;
    5. With local parishes and dioceses, and with other faith communities.
  5. But absolutely, and with great urgency, Jesuit schools should network, on all levels, with one another.
  6. Our schools in isolation from their sister Jesuit institutions worldwide will not meet the increasingly complex dimensions of a globalized world.
  7. Each of our schools should be seen, and should see themselves, as extensions of our international mission.
  8. Traditionally Jesuit schools interacted through the internal governance structures of the Society of Jesus by region, province and assistancy.
  9. While these avenues of collaboration will continue, Jesuit educators need to find new and innovative ways to ensure unity while respecting the principle of subsidiarity, which teaches that decisions are best made closest to the action and in light of the particular context.
  10. educatemagis.org, as indicated earlier, provides a forum to disseminate documents and to stimulate learning and conversation about schools. It is essential that Jesuit educators, around the world join and make use of this important resource.
  11. Once more, it is worthwhile reflecting on the JESEDU-Rio Action Statement in 2017 where the regional delegates committed: [64]
  12. To assessing and developing the level of regional and global networking cooperation that exists.
  13. To including in new faculty and staff training programs an understanding that faculty and staff are joining a global network and that they have a role to play in animating it.
  14. To working with the schools ́ leadership to oblige all faculty and staff be formed in global citizenship so that they can help students understand their future as global citizens.
  15. To making Educate Magis an integral tool and resource in the schools to help animate their global dimension.

Exercise 26. For discernment:

  1. How do you assess this challenge?
  2. What are the most significant obstacles?
  3. How can we adapt this challenge for all Jesuit schools so that it reflects the greater good?
  4. In this context, what has your educational apostolate done?
  5. What should your educational apostolate be doing?

Complementary Resources for this Global Identifier