JESEDU-Jogja2020 Virtual Colloquium

January 15th – March 11th

“Good education requires acknowledging the fast-changing pace of the world and to adjust accordingly.
It is not enough to repeat the good practices of the past. We need to keep open our eyes to what happens in the world, what moves our students, what concerns the families, societies, and world that we serve”

Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJIntroduction to “A Living Tradition”

We invite you to reflect and act on the contemporary educational issues and challenges that will be discussed at the JESEDU-Jogja2020 Colloquium.

We would like your perspective on the issues and challenges you are facing
especially in light of the Universal Apostolic Preferences and to share your views with
the Global Community.

These global conversations will be important input to the JESEDU-Jogja2020 Colloquium
of Jesuit school leaders from around the world.


The two remaining Universal Apostolic Preferences* are:

“To walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice.”

“To care for our common home, by collaborating with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s creation.”

On the one hand, it’s tempting to view these UAPs as a box ticking exercise, dismiss their depth and significance and proclaim you’ve already “done them”. But it’s just as tempting to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of these problems and feel utterly helpless. Watch this short clip and tell us what you think (transcript HERE).

Reflect On Your Experience

Take a minute to pause and reflect on what you just saw. Think about the following questions. Again, you may choose to reflect on them individually or discuss them with some colleagues.

  • What struck you about the clip? What is your main takeaway from the video?
  • What initial concrete step can we take to begin teaching our students to be a better neighbor to the stranger? To be a better ancestor to future generations?
  • What are some of the challenges and issues that you might face when you think about responding to these two UAPs in our schools?
  • As in the previous UAPs, we are reminded to pay close attention to the carefully chosen verbs in the formulation of these two UAPs. We are asked not to rescue the excluded, but to walk with them. We are invited not to fix the environmental crisis, but to care for creation and collaborate with others. How do these two directives shed light as we work to EDUCATE FOR RECONCILIATION?


In response, you may choose to do any of the following. Feel free to come back and do them all!

Join The Conversation

Post your reflections, thoughts, feelings, questions, or prayers here.

Ideas from this global conversation will be shared with the participants at the upcoming II JESEDU-Jogja2020 by sharing your reflections.

Read what your fellow Ignatian educators belonging to our global network are saying.

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One Universal Apostolic Preference* that is clearly central to our work in education is

“to accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.”

  • In what way can we accompany our students in their journey?

It is important to understand what this accompaniment means and what it entails. Watch this short clip and tell us what you think (transcript HERE).

Reflect On Your Experience

Pause after watching the video and reflect on the experience. Reflect on the following questions, or discuss them with a group.

  • What struck you about the clip? What is your main takeaway from the video?
  • Two temptations against deep thinking were mentioned in the clip: Fundamentalism (only one correct answer) and Relativism (all answers are equally correct). Given your personality and beliefs, which is the greater temptation for you? In short, what is your greater inclination? Where would you locate yourself in this continuum?
  • What are some of the challenges and issues that you might face when you respond to this UAP to accompany young people?
  • The UAP invites us to accompany the youth rather than to take the lead and to teach them, as we educators are more accustomed to. What do you think does this mean in light of what our former Superior General, Fr. Adolfo Nicolas SJ, has described as “the globalization of superficiality”? What does it mean for our mission today to EDUCATE FOR DEPTH?


In response, you may choose to do any of the following. Feel free to come back and do them all!

Join The Conversation

Post your reflections, thoughts, feelings, questions, or prayers here.

Ideas from this global conversation will be shared with the participants at the upcoming II JESEDU-Jogja2020 by sharing your reflections.

Read what your fellow Ignatian educators belonging to our global network are saying.

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One Universal Apostolic Preference* that emerged from the discernment of the Universal Society of Jesus is

“to show the way to God through discernment and the Spiritual Exercises.”

  • In what way can we show our students the way to God?

This direction from the Universal Apostolic Preferences isn’t as simple as we would like to think. Watch this short clip and tell us what you think (transcript HERE)

Reflect On Your Experience

Take a minute to pause and reflect on what you just saw. Think about the following questions. You may choose to reflect on them individually or discuss them with some colleagues.

  • What struck you about the clip? What is your main takeaway from the video?
  • Among the three ways of choosing mentioned in the video, which one do you think is prevalent among MOST of the students and teachers in your school? Choosing based on Instincts (Pleasure and Pain), Morality (Good and Evil), or Discernment (Good and Greater Good)
  • What are some of the challenges and issues that you might face when you respond to this UAP?
  • The UAP invites us to show the way to God rather than to tell others about it. What do you think are some of its implications on our mission to EDUCATE FOR FAITH?


In response, you may choose to do any of the following. Feel free to come back and do them all!

Join The Conversation

Post your reflections, thoughts, feelings, questions, or prayers here.

Ideas from this global conversation will be shared with the participants at the upcoming II JESEDU-Jogja2020 by sharing your reflections.

Read what your fellow Ignatian educators belonging to our global network are saying.

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* Do you want to deepen your knowledge of the UAPs? Would you like to learn how to properly discern your response to them?
On this page you will find all the resources, information and instructions to facilitate this process in your school. 

For more information about the II Colloquium for Jesuit School Leaders

visit the JESEDU-Jogja2020 Website