New Global Project «Stand with Girls»

Those of you who have been a member of Educate Magis for a while now will know that over the past few years, we as a global community have been promoting the Global Red Chair Project together with Entreculturas and Friends of Fe y Alegría US, in order to raise awareness and advocate for the Right to Education for All. Many of your schools have joined us by taking on this project with your students, sharing it with other schools around the world and ultimately taking action against this injustice!

When we take a closer look at the statistics of children who do not have access to education, we can see that over half of the children who are denied this human right are girls.

  • There are 76 million illiterate girls in the world. And of these, 54 million live in only 9 countries!
  • 15 million girls will never access primary school.

One of the main reasons for this is that girls are subject to many types of violence, much more so than boys. The violence they experience is physical, emotional and psychological. For example, girls often suffer abuse at home due to violent forms of discipline and may suffer violence as a result of harmful practices, such as: genital mutilation and forced early marriage, amongst others.

It is frightening to think that girls are experiencing these types of violence, but it’s arguably even more frightening that so many of us sit back and don’t help them in any way. As members of a global community of educators we must help ensure that this type of injustice comes to light both inside and outside of our educational institutions. To do this, we invite you to join the campaign STAND WITH GIRLS, a campaign to raise awareness about these realities in your classrooms using teaching materials that will allow your students to reflect on this injustice.

But the awareness does not remain in the classroom. The proposal is to go further by creating a global video together, with reflections from students around the world on what they have learned about this harsh reality, to raise awareness beyond the walls of the school and STAND WITH GIRLS in the struggle to eradicate the violence that clouds their lives.

What do you think? Would you like to participate?

Here we share the steps to bring this new global project ‘Stand with Girls’! to your classroom

Step 1. Choose one or many classroom materials from the suggested list in this link, to use them in your classroom.
Step 2. Reflect on this reality together with your students and film the reflections on a 1 minute video.
Step 3. Share the video to We in Educate Magis will compile all videos into one global video to share it to celebrate “International Day of the Girl Child” in October 11th, through social media and other Jesuit networks .

What is the deadline to send the video?

Please submit your video by September 30th.

To know more about this global project please follow these links:
Español: “¡Apoya a las Niñas! 30 Voces / 1 Video”
English: “Stand with Girls! 30 Voices/ 1 Video”
Francais: “Soutenir les Filles ! 30 Voix · 1 Vidéo”

If you have any questions please let us know through this conversation: Stand With Girls! New Global Action Project.