Strand 4 of the Pre-Colloquium is now open! – JESEDU-Global2021

This week we are opening Strand #4 of the JESEDU-Global2021 Pre-Colloquium Asynchronous Reflection Modules. The theme of the fourth and final Strand is « Educating for Global Citizenship ».

This is another central topic for our Jesuit Education. The Global Pandemic has shown us that whether we like it or not, we are weathering the same storm, albeit in different boats. Through the fourth Strand of the JESEDU-Global2021 Pre-Colloquium you are invited to reflect, together with other members of our global community, on how we as a global network can strengthen this rediscovered sense of interconnectedness and use it to help and protect those in smaller and more vulnerable boats?

In a world where the stranger is increasingly our neighbor, how do we educate for global citizenship? What does it mean—and what does it entail—to act as global citizens today?

Now that all four Strands of the Pre-Colloquium have been made available we would like to emphasize the unique opportunity that this global online reflective journey is providing us. As Jesuit Educators, we have been given an opportunity to nurture the future of our Jesuit Education by putting our educational expertise into play to look, together, with our peers from other Jesuit schools around the world, for possible solutions to issues and themes central to our Jesuit Education today.

Your opinions, thoughts, and ideas on “How to Educate for Faith?”, “How to Educate for Depth?”, « How to Educate for Reconciliation? », and « How to Educate for Global Citizenship? » are extremely valuable and will be used as input for the final report presented at the Closing Ceremony! 

Contribute to these important online conversations, and remember, you have until June 28th to watch the Keynote Addresses and engage in the online conversations for all 4 Strands!

To participate in Strand #4 please login to the Colloquium Hub here.