Question 34 – Does God forgive all sins? 

Par Educate Magis
Nov 29th, 2020

Continuing with the exploration and reflection through a series of articles written in a conversational language about Catholicism, about God, about Jesus, about the Church and many other faith related topics. Here we present:

Question 34 – Does God forgive all sins? 

Christianity* is the religion of love and therefore of forgiveness. That is why Christians believe that it is God’s desire to forgive all sins*. In the Gospels* Jesus* constantly forgives sins. When he hangs dying on the cross, he even asks his Father* to forgive his own murderers.

God doesn’t forgive because people deserve it or are entitled to it but just out of love, just like that. Yet God’s forgiveness is not the same as putting your dirty laundry in the washing machine. It is not automatic. God is always willing to forgive, but you must accept that forgiveness. This is not as easy as it seems. Experience shows that there are a number of conditions for this.

First, it is necessary to acknowledge that you have sinned. You show that you repent. One of the signs of this is your willingness to do things differently from now on. Also, if possible, to make up for what you did wrong. If, for example, you have stolen, it is important to return the stolen goods or to repair the damage in some other way. This proves that you are actually repentant.

In the Catholic* Church* this reconciliation with God can be experienced in a special way. Believers can express their sins in a confidential confession* with a priest*. In such a conversation it is important to actually mention your sins. But even more important is that the priest may then, in God’s name, pronounce forgiveness. The most important condition for this is that those who ask God for forgiveness want to repent.

– Do you think forgiveness is important?
– Do you believe that there are things that should not or cannot be forgiven?

Watch this space! Coming up:   Question 35 – Why should you forgive?  

Follow these links to go back to previous questions

If you wish to learn more about this resource follow this link  “52 Questions and Answers about faith


About the author:

Nikolaas Sintobin, SJ, joined the Society of Jesus in 1989, following a short career as a lawyer. He was trained as a Jesuit in Brussels, Paris, and Santiago de Chile. Today he is a spiritual director who is keenly interested in online ministry and discovering new ways to help people find God.

This text is republished with the permission of Messenger Publications, Ireland. To buy a hard copy of the book click here.