Loyola Blakefield’s Integral Ecology Certificate Program Encourages Sustainable Future

Loyola Blakefield’s Integral Ecology Certificate, one certificate in the Integral Ecology Certificate Program led by Ryan Bromwell, Assistant Principal for Academics, responds proactively to Pope Francis’s call in Laudato Si’ to address environmental challenges. Central to the program are capstone projects with titles like « Trending Toward Sustainability, » where students draw from their classroom and extracurricular experiences to focus on environmental issues. Some students collaborate with local groups for practical conservation efforts, while others contribute to school clean-up endeavors.

One capstone project was inspired by lessons from AP Environmental Science and a transformative Chesapeake Bay field trip led by Fr. Bruce Steggert, S.J., and this showcases how integrating ecology into the curriculum sparks positive change. The program encourages students to integrate personal passions, like one student’s love for scuba diving, into their projects, fostering a holistic approach to environmental education. By blending academic learning with practical application and personal interests, we hope the certificate program cultivates a strong sense of environmental stewardship and advocacy in students, aligning with Pope Francis’s vision for a sustainable future.

Feel free to reach out to Brendan O’Kane, Integral Ecology Certificate Program Coordinator, at bokane@loyolablakefield.org or Ryan Bromwell, Certificate Program Leader, at rbromwell@loyolablakefield.org with any questions.