Finding God in Science and Mathematics

The Society of Jesus is the Catholic religious order in which its members, called Jesuit, should have expertise in bible theology, philosophy, and special expertise. However, the Father General of the Society of Jesus (SJ) thinks that it has not been enough yet for the Jesuits if they only master theology and philosophy. It is because those two things just only serve his congregations around the altar. Nevertheless, the Jesuits are required to have expertise in certain expertise according to their talents and interests; they can be experts in the fields of spiritual, education, economic, social, cultural, linguistic, and others. Meanwhile, so many Jesuits have been also experts in Natural Science and Mathematics. They have already contributed new insights as
well as new inventions both in Science and Mathematics.

Gonzaga Senior High School in South Jakarta, which is also directed by Jesuit, provides chances both to all teachers and students to develop and improve their talents and interests. Teachers can develop and improve their competence by taking a vocational course or a master’s program with full sponsorship from the school. On the other hand, the students are also allowed to develop and improve their skills, such as; knowledge, leadership skills, sports, entrepreneurship, arts, and social problems. All the students will be encouraged to make a reflection together, so they can hone their sensitivity. In the end, their lives will always be based on the school’s core values, which are the spirit of 4CHS; Competence, Compassion, Conscience, Commitment, Honesty, and Simplicity.

For a month, starting from March 9 to April 9, 2023, 19 Science Students of Grade XI in the academic year of 2022/2023 got the challenge from the Principal, Father Eduard C. Ratu Dopo, SJ., where the students could learn and deepen the problem of Natural Science and Mathematics which were written by some Jesuits in the book of « Jesuit Pioneers of Modern Science and Mathematics ». The students were divided into several groups. They were asked to discuss the content of each chapter about Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Some teachers guided the students to deepen the book. As the tutor, some teachers said that all students looked very enthusiastic in deepening the book. The students were amazed by the Jesuit experts. In Modern Science and Mathematics, Jesuits could find God in Mathematics and Science. For instance, Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ., the expert on the phenomenon of man, explained Darwin’s theory. Through that knowledge, he even could find God through Darwin’s evolution theory, which the theory looks contrary to the Bible, especially the story of the universe’s creation.

The results of the book study were presented in the Stadium Generale at the plenary hall. The students continued to take part in its exhibition, which was also open to public visitors. The exhibition was held on Thursday, April 13, 2023. Among the visitors, there were some special guests; Father Jose Mesa, SJ. (the Jesuit International Secretary for Educational which is based in Rome, Italy), Jennie Hickey (the Australian Province of Jesuit Educational), and Father E. Baskoro Poedjinoegroho, SJ. (the Superior of Jesuit Education). They were amazed by the ability of the students to understand the content of the book which finally led them to find God’s love in Science and Mathematics. « This is a great invitation to a life worthy of that name, » said Father Jose to the students.

The insight of the Jesuit experts in that book became an inspiration for many students. They could learn about Modern Science and Mathematics, the inventions which would be relevant for nowadays and the future, especially how a human civilization should be in line with the development of Science and Technology which have been developing very fast. Nowadays, the smartphone can make the whole world a small one, but on the contrary, the world can be more vulnerable to being destroyed by many smartphone users who have no responsibility.

Gonzaga Senior High School students who have been educated in the spirit of Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder of Jesuit, could be able to fight the bias of meaningless technology becoming meaningful technology for human civilization. Therefore, modern technology should make all students closer to God and avoid all kinds of crime that could direct them to be far away from God. It is about a moral dilemma for students where they will be in a field of discernment battle. Hence, there will be no bias anymore in the use of modern technology. In addition, the teachers need to guide all the students to continue to have the right discernment in Finding God in Science and Mathematics.

For Catholics, we should be grateful to the Holy Father for allowing the Society of Jesus to take part in scientific development to go for the Greater Glory of God (AMDG). The pastoral breakthrough of Holy Father Pope Francis, somehow, had an impact when he was young as an expert in chemistry. Saint Ignatius Loyola, the founder as well as the first Jesuit General, demonstrated more than 500 years ago by asking all its members of Society to be truly brilliant priests to accompany the young to Find God in All things.