Continuing the process of conversion toward becoming men and women for others in the Spirit of Jesus

Last November, in light of the 50th anniversary of Pedro Arrupe’s famous speech, educators from Jesuit schools worldwide gathered online to pray, reflect, and share, through Global Discernment Circles, about Fr. Arrupe’s famous invitation to become « men and women for others ». It is well known that this motto has been adopted as one of the marks we desire to promote in our students. Following Arrupe’s vision, we were invited to ponder on how the capacity to seek justice must be supported by the Spirit and by a life of faith. Reflecting on what was shared and discussed by those who participated in this activity we noticed a clear desire to increase our students’ exposure to Jesus who is the great model of the person for others. The importance of having students experience love, community, prayer, and encouragement from teachers and peers, was also repeatedly emphasized by participants.

However, we also recognize that there is in Europe a strong and pervasive movement that seems to make it more and more difficult for people to “be spiritual”. We wonder how, with a clear reduction in the number of Catholic teachers in our schools, not to mention the reduced presence of Jesuits, our schools will be capable of continuing to communicate the Catholic and Ignatian spirit to our students.

We invite you to continue this reflection and conversation by engaging in a simple reflection exercise, which we are making available on this link: Forming Men and Women for Others in the Spirit of Jesus » Conversations » Educate Magis

Participating in this conversation will allow many Jesuit schools to get ideas about activities or initiatives to help teachers, students, and families deepen their spiritual lives and explore more deeply the Catholic and Ignatian call to be « men and women for others ». Thank you!