Student Reflections Part 2 – Gonzaga College SJ

Par Clare O’Brien Quinn
Avr 28th, 2020

More students from Gonzaga College SJ in Ireland have shared their reflections as part of the global project « A Day in my Life: living under the Covid-19 Pandemic ». We hope you and your students enjoy reading them.

A Day in my Life: Seán, 13, Gonzaga College SJ, Ireland

Since the beginning of the outbreak I’ve been able to get enough sleep and not feel exhausted all of the time. Although, there has still been stress about getting work finished on time and getting it done. I haven’t been getting as much exercise everyday as I usually get but on other days I do a lot more exercise and feel better, especially on sunnier days when it’s nice to go outside.

In terms of doing work I’ll usually start work at around 1pm and finish in an hour or finish at 6pm depending on how much I have. This is the point when I like to wind down in the day by playing on the Xbox or going outside or bringing my dog on a walk.

In this time I’ve gotten a lot closer with my family as I can’t see my friends and I’m of course at home all of the time.

A major change, even for the outbreak is that my dad finally got a house for him and us. It’s right next to the sea so when we go we go on lots of walks and go swimming which is a lot of fun. It’s great as well because there is a very small amount of people that would be there if any.

Some of the challenges during this time is that I can’t see any of my friends and most of my family apart from my granny who lives around the corner.

Some of the consolations is that I am not in school so I can relax more and get enough sleep etc.

What our society should learn from this is to act early on situations like this and to live by the rules to slow the spread of the virus. »


A Day in my Life: Seán, 14, Gonzaga College SJ, Ireland

COVID-19 has disrupted the way humans work literally. We, especially my Dad, are like dogs, we need to be outside, looking at different views, taking in fresh air, and achieving the smallest accomplishments.

Not only will businesses suffer, we will as individuals. Our generation are nicknamed ‘The Anxious Age’ and now must sit alone with our thoughts without distractions or friends to keep us away from becoming psychopaths.

My day has been largely affected like everyone else’s. There are great things like I don’t have to wake up as early as normal (PHEW!!!), but I don’t get to see my friends and out-of-my-household family.

On a better note, I have had the opportunity to learn Chinese, (which is ironic because of this coronavirus originating there) and other things I never thought I would have the time to do.

I think the world should come out of this situation strong and take drastic measures for the climate and protection against another virus in the future. It is like God gave us this coronavirus as a test run of shutting down factories, etc. If we continue physical distancing for longer than planned, we might solve the climate crisis.

I hope that everyone is healthy and safe, especially the amazing doctors and nurses. WE LOVE YOU!!! I hope we learn and have a better world post global pandemic. « 

A Day in my Life: Shaun, 14, Gonzaga College SJ, Ireland

In Ireland there has been 2910 cases of covid-19 and 54 deaths so far. The only places open are food shops. We are advised to go out only once for exercise and once for supplies. Schools were shut on the 12th of March.

The impact covid-19 has had on my daily routine is big. Now I wake up at 7:45 and just get breakfast and then just go to my computer to work. Usually I would get the luas and you don’t appreciate how nice a change in scenery is until you lose it. To get to the luas I walk about ten minutes and even just to get fresh air seems so nice to me.

When I went into isolation, I lost all my sports and the gym. I have a lot of friends that are in my sports and I have not just lost exercise I have lost my social life. Since isolating I have found that school is so much better when you have people around you and friends to talk to.

My family and my dog are the main gifts in this period. When I play with or bring my dog for a walk, I seem to forget we are in this period because all I can really focus on is my dog just messing around. When with my dog its nice not to have to talk about covid-19 for a while. I am so greatful to have two loving parents and two siblings. I think I would be lost without my siblings. I have found it nice to spend more time with my little sister. My brother has really lightened the mood for my little sister when they show all the confirmed cases of covid-19 and the deaths.

I believe this pandemic will make the world stronger and more united. I f their is one thing we need to learn is to be honest and trust. I believe that everything happens for a reason so I think that after this we will be a stronger nation and globe. I would just hope it’s gone by the summer I would love to go down to our shared house in the summer and just swim in the sea.

Thank you for reading.

A Day in my Life: Nick, 15, Gonzaga College SJ, Ireland

My life in coronavirus

In the morning I get up at 12, I brush my teeth, have breakfast etc. Then I do whatever little work I have to do which I usually finish at 2PM. Then I go for a run. After this I have dinner and relax and end up going to bed at 1 or 2 AM.

What is happening with the coronavirus crisis in your country?

In my country (Ireland), currently school is cancelled as well as all non-essential businesses. It is quite hard as we are not allowed leave more than 2 kilometers of where we are living.

How have these changes impacted your daily routines?

Well I get up and go to bed much later, I don’t go to school so I mostly just exercise and relax.

What have been the challenges from this situation (desolations)?

The main challenge has been cabin fever I haven’t been able to see my friends or really leave my house.

How has that made you feel about the world we live in and the future that lies ahead?

It makes me feel quite sad as for parties like the green party, they want to enforce what is currently happening to reduce climate change and its really shown me that it’s just futile.

What should our society learn from this crisis that has affected us globally?

Basic hygiene is incredibly important.

What are your concerns and hopes?

I hope it ends soon and there isn’t a recession