Discovery learning: Eye-Opening Experiences

Xavier Jesuit School in Cambodia shares some experiences after visitors from different schools, universities, and other institutions around the world visited the school.

«We are so blessed with friends and visitors from afar who bring in new ideas and help students understand the ‘how’ to engage learning when they recognize the different ways students explore -by touching, feeling, tasting, climbing, smelling, dancing, etc. and praise them for their perseverance to find answers. They also help to spark meaningful dialogue, and help children reflect on their ways of learning.»

Visit to our English Club members

Ms Agnes Schuppel, former vice-principal and English teacher from SIS (Seoul International School) paid her second visit in late January for 6 days particular to our English Club members and giving support to our local English teacher.

Volunteers in the Primary and Secondary sections – Science experiments

Two groups of students from the Sogang University (Korea) with various cultural activities and experiments gave chances to our students to explore their new horizons. They volunteered both in the Primary and Secondary sections. They were engaged in some language learning activities and also instructed third to sixth graders some Science experiments. These experiments include one to construct a volcanic eruption model to learn the chemical reactions of soda powder and vinegar.

The fifth graders: “We were amazed to see the chemical reaction, now we understand the danger and intense heat that could found in the real situation, thanks so much for explaining to us thoroughly after the experiment.”

The second activity entailed conducting experiments utilizing readily available materials at home to investigate acids and basic. Students learned something new which was not covered in the textbook and was applicable to their daily lives. Teachers also found this experience intriguing because they could utilize these materials easily at home.

The fourth graders participated in the third activity to make twirling paper butterfly with rubber band. This exercise served to educate students about force and motion.

These well-planned activities provided remarkable opportunity for cooperation among teachers and the volunteers. Students developed a deep appreciation for science and exploration through participation in the program, which enabled them to investigate the marvels of chemistry, problem solving skills, and collaboration skills.

The Sogang University volunteers were deeply moved with great gratitude towards the assistance and support they got from the local teachers in spite of the language barrier, this enriching and meaningful experience have deepened their relationship with XJS and will bring them back at the right time again.

Instructing Students in a Dancing Class

During the same month, a teacher of physical education and a former ballet dancer from Korea assisted in instructing students in a dancing class, and this one-of-a-kind activity inspired them on various body movements in expressing themselves.

Biology Lesson With Fun and Educational Activities

Trying to break down the language barrier, Teacher Maïlys, our volunteer teacher from Belgium and Teacher Sreytouch has prepared a biology lesson with fun and educational activities to interact with our 10th graders under the theme of cellular respiration.

All these programs have inspired instructors to devise innovative and proficient teaching methods in giving a holistic education.