1st Ignatian Pedagogy and Physical Activity Seminar «The Role of Physical Education and Sports in Ignatian Formation»

Mr. Danilo Frías Sáez, Director at «Colegio San Ignacio Alonso Ovalle» school in Santiago, Chile collaborated with the physical education and sports department to organize the first seminar focused on Ignatian pedagogy and spirituality, as well as physical activity, specifically physical education and sports in schools associated with the Ignatian Educational Network in Chile. The primary objective is to highlight the importance and impacts of physical education in Ignatian formation and the integral formation of individuals.

In line with this working logic, the organizing group, inspired by the pursued objectives, extends the invitation to all physical education teachers from schools associated with the Ignatian Educational Network in Chile, calling for alignment with the global network characteristic of Jesuit schools worldwide.

Participating schools:

  • Colegio San Ignacio , Santiago, Chile (Host)
  • Colegio San Ignacio del Bosque
  • Colegio San Luis , Antofagasta
  • Colegio Padre Hurtado , Santiago de Chile
  • Colegio Juanita de los Andes
  • Colegio Nuestra Señora del Camino
  • Colegio San Luis Beltrán
  • Colegio San Alberto

Ignatian pedagogy is based on the principles and values of St. Ignatius and aims to promote the integral formation of individuals, stimulating intellectual, spiritual, and ethical development. Physical activity and Ignatian pedagogy are an educational formative tradition within the Society of Jesus.

In this context, physical activity is not simply seen as a random practice but as an essential part of human development as a whole. Ignatian pedagogy recognizes the importance of the body and its connection to the mind and spirit, seeking to foster personal growth and a connection with spirituality through the care and movement of the body.

Some key elements of the context of physical activity and Ignatian pedagogy are:

  1. Integral Formation: Ignatian pedagogy emphasizes addressing the development of a person in all dimensions: intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical. Physical activity is considered an essential part of this integral formation.
  2. Body Care: St. Ignatius valued the body as a gift from God and advocated for its proper care. Physical activity and exercise are seen as means to maintain physical health and well-being.
  3. Body and Spirituality: In the Ignatian tradition, the relationship between the body and spirituality is significant. Physical activity can be seen as a path to contemplation and connection with the divine.
  4. Promotion of Values: Ignatian pedagogy is based on values such as social justice, solidarity, and service to others. Physical activity can be a vehicle for promoting these values by encouraging inclusion, cooperation, and equity in sports and movement activities.
  5. Discernment and Reflection: The Ignatian tradition emphasizes discernment and reflection as tools for making informed and ethical decisions. Physical activity can provide a space for personal reflection and awareness.

In a contemporary context, the integration of physical activity and Ignatian pedagogy can manifest in the incorporation of physical education programs that go beyond mere exercise, addressing topics such as personal development, ethics in sports, the promotion of social justice, and the formation of leaders committed to the overall well-being of individuals and society.

In this line, this seminar is founded with the following objective:

«Recognize the contribution of physical education and sports in the Ignatian formation of students from the Ignatian Educational Network schools in Chile.»