12 Reflections on Paintings for Faith Formation (Painting #5 – “Fire that Kindles”)

Fr. Roy M. Thottam, SJ, Jesuit in Kerala Province, in India, shares 12 of his beautiful paintings and reflections, with teachers in our global community, as a set of resources for Faith Formation. We will be posting them as a series of articles every Friday! Here is painting and reflection number 5.

To read an introduction shared by Fr. Roy on his work, and also see the paintings and reflections that have been shared so far, please follow this link 12 Reflections on Paintings for Faith Formation

We hope you enjoy using these extraordinary and unique resources in your Faith Formation programs with other educators and / or with your students in your classrooms.

12 Reflections on Paintings for Faith Formation – Painting #5 “Fire that Kindles”, and Reflection #5 “The Fire that Kindles ”.


The Fire that Kindles

ite, inflammate omnia—“go, set the world on fire.”

“A fire that kindles other fires.”

we are called to set all things alight with the love of God.

to keep the divine  flame alive and burning in a broken world.

Our identity is in companionship:

with the Lord,  and with others.

To lit a new fire of love in the world

To spread the fire to all frontiers,

To be instruments of peace against all wars,

To carry the good news of peace and justice to all corners of the world

To be men of burning hearts and burning feet.