Dialogue with a Multiplicity of Voices

In the context of a multi-faith and culturally enriched environment the Catholic Dialogue School (CDS) is one characterized by hospitality and dialogue. Through offering hospitality to all and engaging in authentic dialogue, it is possible for each person to gain a deeper understanding of their religious tradition or philosophical position. Dialogue enables us to discover who the ‘other’ is and who we are (Boeve, 2016, p.192). Our encounters with difference, in the CDS, can interrupt faith and challenge the believer to think more deeply enabling new understandings of faith to emerge (Boeve, 2007, 2019). In the CDS a critical interpretation is explored in dialogue with the Catholic tradition, as the key dialogue partner.
The culture of dialogue in the CDS requires a deliberate choice and unceasing effort. Students are supported through the religious educator who is called to be witness, specialist, and moderator. The capacity of students to engage in dialogue and articulate faith understandings cannot be underestimated. One such example is found in the reflections of students at Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Victoria, Australia. Watch a video on the school’s Faith and Life Inquiry model in the article linked above or by clicking the button below.