A Call to Human Excellence

Inspired by the contributions of his three immediate predecessors, Fr. Arturo Sosa, S.J, in 2014 promulgated the document, Jesuit Education Aims to Human Excellence, in which he affirmed the purpose of Jesuit education as “developing women and men of conscience, compassion, commitment and competence.” Like Frs. Pedro Arrupe, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, and Adolfo Nicolás before him, Fr. Sosa called school communities to:
  • a conscience that knows and experiences society and its imbalances
  • a compassion for the suffering of others
  • a commitment of faith that works for transformation
  • a competence that creates, understands and uses knowledge to live in one’s own context

In addition to building on his predecessors’ insights, Fr. Sosa also invited the global Network to develop resources that help schools “become excellent in humanizing their communities.” Inspired by this invitation, the Jesuit Schools Network recently produced An Ignatian Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

Grounded in scripture, Catholic social teaching, the documents of the Society of Jesus, and the tradition of Jesuit education, the Framework intends to help school leaders and their communities understand and address the injustices of racism through the precious gift of our Catholic identity and Jesuit mission.
The process of developing the Framework included listening to the voices of theologians, school leaders, and especially of those in our schools who are charged with this vital part of our mission and identity. Along the way, we heard numerous expressions of support and gratitude for our work. We also heard challenges to further promote the kind of human excellence to which Fr. Sosa and his predecessors are calling us by strengthening our DEIB efforts. We at JSN look forward to further experiencing with you the “great love our Father has for all of us” by advancing this aspect of human excellence.