The Characteristics of Jesuit Education Today

On November 22nd, the Secretary for Education of the Society of Jesus, José Mesa SJ, participated in a program called Espacios para el Espíritu (Spaces for the Spirit), hosted by the Colombian Province of the Society of Jesus.

With the aim answering some of the fundamental questions that have been emerging since the pandemic, as well as to promote deeper reflection on the different educational models in the current world, the program focused on the Characteristics of Jesuit Education today.

During his presentation, Fr. Mesa highlighted the importance of continuous discernment in an ever-changing context. It is through discernment that the educational tradition of the Society of Jesus is kept alive and relevant to respond to the signs of the times. His address was a journey through time, beginning with fundamental questions such as why did the Jesuits assume the educational ministry? And what is the goal of Jesuit Education? His address then reached our present time with the Integrated (holistic) perspective of Jesuit Education.

The presentation concludes with what he refers as the Ignatian Educational Recipe: strong academics, strong religious/spiritual formation, and social formation for service; all of these ingredients mixed with the “secret ingredient” of Ignatian Spirituality.

We invite you to see this edition of Spaces for the Spirit, by clicking here.