Radiant with Resilience – JRS USA Annual Report 2020

Jesuit Refugee Service/USA presented their 2020 Annual Report « Radiant with Resilience », which tells the story of this resilience and the continuation of programs and mission. It details the stories of the work done by JRS and the people proudly served last year.

« The resilience demonstrated by our staff, supporters, and most importantly the people we serve was simply put – radiant. This resiliency was demonstrated in a year with some of the most significant displacement on record, with UNHCR reporting just last week that 82.4 million people were forcibly displaced world wide in 2020. »

As Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director of JRS/USA describes in the report “Last year, in India, a group of refugees who had been trained by Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in our tailoring program used their skills to make masks and PPE for other refugees and their host community. In Beirut, refugees who have now become part of our mental health and psychosocial support team continued to check up on their peer-led groups through texts and social media. And, in Chad, refugees raised their hands to help JRS spread the word and educate their community about hygiene and social distancing practices.”

JRS/USA supported vital programs last year, using funds raised through JRS/USA to support programs in the United States and the 10 JRS regions throughout the globe. In 2020, JRS/USA sent more than $15 million directly to programming for 98 projects overseas.

Read the full report here: JRSUSAannualreport.org

Download the report here: Click here to download