Question 40 – Does the devil exist? 

Par Educate Magis
Jan 10th, 2021

Continuing with the exploration and reflection through a series of articles written in a conversational language about Catholicism, about God, about Jesus, about the Church and many other faith related topics. Here we present:

Question 40 – Does the devil exist? 

It is sometimes said that it is the devil’s* greatest victory when he can make people believe that he does not exist. The devil has already lost that battle. He seems to be back again. Christians believe that the devil is more than a myth or a symbol, even though he is not a person. Everyone has experienced that the power of evil exists, whether you call it devil, Satan, enemy, evil or otherwise.

The devil, Christians believe, is not the god of evil who can compete with the God* of Jesus*. He is not a rival to God. However ugly he may be, he is already defeated and not equal to the power of God’s love. That is why it is not good to give him too much attention.

All the devil can do is divide and destroy. He is also exceptionally wise. He often says the right things. He does this not to build up but to destroy. That’s why it’s not good to enter into a dialogue with him, especially at night, when your thinking skills are at a low level.

Often the devil works by telling people seemingly pleasant things. That’s why he is sometimes called the tempter or the seducer. However, the devil is in the detail.

When you take up his proposals, it always ends badly. If you have the impression that you are being attacked by devilish thoughts, it may be good to talk about it with a wise person in whom you have faith. The devil prefers to work in secret. When his secret plans come to light, he runs away.

– How would you describe the devil?
– Do you experience the attraction of evil?

Watch this space! Coming up:   Question 41 – Does hell exist? 

Follow these links to go back to previous questions

If you wish to learn more about this resource follow this link  “52 Questions and Answers about faith


About the author:

Nikolaas Sintobin, SJ, joined the Society of Jesus in 1989, following a short career as a lawyer. He was trained as a Jesuit in Brussels, Paris, and Santiago de Chile. Today he is a spiritual director who is keenly interested in online ministry and discovering new ways to help people find God.

This text is republished with the permission of Messenger Publications, Ireland. To buy a hard copy of the book click here.