Education Enables…

Par Karina Zapata-Roche
Mar 21st, 2018

Increasing access to education, theoretically, could improve general health, the economy and even the ecosystem of a country. And if we imagine these actions multiplied in other countries of the world, we would have as a result a better, more human world, and, in general, we would see positive changes for all of humanity. Although this sounds hypothetical, it could also be an inspiration to work together, as Global Citizens, to ensure that no child in the world stops going to school or receiving quality education. But, how can we help and where do we start?

Shaping the future requires awareness and action. In this context, it is important to first understand what challenges our world is currently facing and which are preventing all children from going to school and learning.

Did you know that:
-There are 264 million children and youth out of school around the world.
-There are 131 million children and adolescent girls worldwide are out of school (2015)

Some of the Challenges contributing to these numbers are:
– Only 2.7% of humanitarian aid was invested in education in 2016.
– An estimated 90% of children with disabilities in the developing world do not go to school.
– 1 in 4 young people in low and lower-middle income countries is illiterate.

Raising awareness of these realities in our classrooms enables students to “do more” later in life. And, giving our students, today and now, the opportunity to imagine a better world, where everybody has access to education, automatically gives humanity a chance for real change and hope.

Ready to inspire your students?

Then, participate in the Education for All Video Challenge! This is a Challenge to inspire others to do more, to understand the importance of the right to education for everyone and to help in the fight to provide access to education to all children of the world.

Imagine a world where everyone has an education…
What would the outcomes be?
– What would the world be like if this was true?

The Education for All Video Challenge aims to bring these scenarios to life.

For more details of how to participate see the Education for All Video Challenge page.

Hurry! Videos must be submitted by May 16th, 2018!

If you have any questions on participating in the Education for All Video Challenge, please contact Ciara at
