12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home (Painting #7 – “Principle and foundation”)

Fr. Roy M. Thottam, SJ, Jesuit in Kerala Province, in India, shares another set of 12 of his beautiful paintings and reflections. In this new series he focuses in the topic of  ‘Caring of Our Common Home’. We will be posting them as a series of articles every Friday! Here is painting and reflection number 7.

We hope you enjoy and use these extraordinary and unique paintings as part of your school’s programs on ‘Caring for Our Common Home’, with other educators and with your students in your classrooms.

To read an introduction shared by Fr. Roy on his work, and also see the paintings and reflections that have been shared so far, please follow this link 12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home.

12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home – Painting #7 “Principle and foundation, and Reflection #7 “Principle and foundation.

Principle and foundation

“All the things in this world are gifts of God, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily.”

Everything in this world is a gift from God, a manifestation of God’s love.”

Everything comes from God. With whole of the creation we are on a move towards the divine.

We are only pilgrims on this earth, not masters of the earth; and guardians only.

Everything comes and goes, life and death is an ever ending process.

God’ love becomes the rhythm of the universe. It makes a harmonious melody of God’s glory.

The union with God and creation is the crux of our life. All creation come together into one magnificent conscious loving union.

This is our family, all inclusive;   those who are different from me, the animals and the environment.