Planes de Clase

Planes de Clase Globales para utilizar en tu Aula

G8 – L1: What is injustice to me

Global Citizenship, Equality and Social Justice
Oct 6th, 2017

Students will be asked to think about the times they each personally faced «injustice». They will be encouraged to reflect on what had happened, why they thought the situation was unjust, and how they felt throughout the entire experience. We would eventually like students to be able to understand what injustice means, to identify moments when others are facing injustice, and to act on it as social agents. However, in order to be able to progress through these stages, each student will first need to identify and experience injustice first-hand so they can have an easier time relating to others facing injustice

Inglés 13-15 AÑOS Cívica Historia Estudios Sociales

¡Construyamos juntos una Biblioteca de Materiales para Clases, para apoyarnos como Comunidad Global Ignaciana!