Planes de Clase

Planes de Clase Globales para utilizar en tu Aula

G12 – L4: Take, Make, Waste – A sustainable economic paradigm

Global Citizenship, Global Citizenship – General
Oct 6th, 2017

Students graduating from school will have to (continue to) make decisions as consumers and producers in an increasingly interconnected global economy throughout their lives. When thinking about a sustainable world for future generations and ourselves, considering the impact of the mainstream economic model of production and progress in the world is worthwhile. Currently, a considerable number of goods are disposed as waste after consumption. With continuously reduced product life cycles, the rate at which waste is being generated is increasing. This situation not only generates an efficiency problem (resources are being depleted faster and disposed without using them completely), but poses a major challenge for sustainability of life in the planet as a whole. Teachers are encouraged to redesign the lesson in whatever way better serves the context and particular characteristics of the students in their classes.

Inglés 16-18 AÑOS Estudios Sociales

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