Planes de Clase

Planes de Clase Globales para utilizar en tu Aula

G10 – L1: My self

Global Citizenship, Global Citizenship – General
Oct 6th, 2017

In this lesson, students will draw their values and share them with the classroom and identify situations/places/events in the community and the world where those values are being lived out and are lacking. For instance, a student may value family support the most and through discussions, realize that the places family support is lacking the most are orphanages. In the following lessons, students will turn towards the community, the nation, and the world to find solutions to the problems they have identified and finally write a paper stating the problem and offering solutions to the problems they feel most passionate to solve. (*Note: materials for the lesson are always adjustable to the context of the classroom.)

Inglés 16-18 AÑOS Artes

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