Planes de Clase

Planes de Clase Globales para utilizar en tu Aula

G6 – L5: Making changes in my daily life

Global Citizenship, Global Citizenship – General
Oct 6th, 2017

In this lesson, students will bring their focus back to the local level, picking an issue they want to support within their own community. This issue could be anything that piques the students’ individual interests- environmental protection, hunger, homelessness, racial inequalities, etc. During this lesson, they will develop a list of five things they can do to address this issue in their everyday lives. They will then make posters of these five steps, which will be displayed around the school/classroom.

Inglés 9-12 AÑOS Cívica Estudios Sociales

¡Construyamos juntos una Biblioteca de Materiales para Clases, para apoyarnos como Comunidad Global Ignaciana!