Planes de Clase

Planes de Clase Globales para utilizar en tu Aula

Craft a Caring for our Common Home Mural

Sep 16th, 2020

Everyone on the planet has a role to play in caring for creation. Every day each of us has a chance to care for our beautiful planet. Sometimes we forget that we can make change happen.

Here you will find a list of ways that you, your students and our families can care for creation. Every time we do one of these things, it is good to stop and take note. So, Jesuit Missions is suggesting a way of doing this.

Create a Caring for Creation wall art in your classroom or in a main area of your school. In this PDF you will find some line drawings that will give you an idea of how to start. Then each time that someone in the class does one of the things on the list, add a leaf, a flower, or an animal, something to represent what they have done. Within a short time, if everyone works together you will have produced a beautiful mural to remind everyone how important it is to care for creation. Around the edge of your mural add photos of you as your students as they care for our common home.

Inglés 5-8 AÑOS 9-12 AÑOS Artes

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