Updates to the Interactive Map

As some of you will already have noticed, we have updated our interactive map with some new features. Our new map is now 3D and shows the diversity and richness of our global network in a new way. The map highlights the Jesuit Schools around the world and the countries which have Fe y Alegría schools and educational projects. Here is all you need to know on using the new map.

Click here to view the new map!

Updated school finder
The updated school finder allows you to quickly find your school on the map. Simply hover over the school finder box and enter the name of your school. You can also enter the name of a city of country. 

Updated styles and layers
The map now resembles our printable map which is colored by Jesuit Regions; Africa & Madagascar, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America and South Asia.

School profile link
When you are looking at a school profile, look out for the ‘School Location’ link. This will take you directly to the school on the interactive map.

The new map is available in English, French And Spanish.

Map controls

There are new controls on the top-right corner of the map.

  • The map icon allows you to toggle the style of the map between the Educate Magis style and the Real world Style. This is useful when viewing a school close up, as you can get a real-world view of the location.
  • The School icon appears if you are logged in and have linked a school to your profile. Clicking this will show you your school on the map.
  • The compass icon will toggle the orientation of the map.
  • The resize icon will reset the map to its original view
  • The and icons allow you to zoom in and out

Keyboard controls

There are some extra controls which are hidden. Here are a few to try:

  • Double click your mouse on a location to zoom in
  • Double click your mouse while holding the shift key on a location to zoom out
  • Hold down the Ctrl (Mac: Command) key and then hold down the left click on your mouse. Moving the mouse should now rotate the map
  • Hold down the Shift key and then move the arrow keys. This will rotate the map
  • Hold down the Shift key and then hold down the left click on your mouse. Moving the mouse should allow you to zoom in to a specific location


The technical stuff
Our new map runs on the latest version of Mapbox. This runs on WebGL, or Web Graphics Library, which is a javascript API for rendering 3D graphics. Having a 3D library allows us to do things which were not possible on the previous map, such as flying from location to location and viewing the map in 3D. Overall the experience should now be improved and runs on technology which is newer and more interactive.  

The new map is supported in all modern browsers on desktop and mobile platforms. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge run a lighter version of WebGL and may not run as smoothly. The best user experience will be on the latest Chrome browser. For older browsers such as Internet Explorer 10 or lower, our legacy map will load.

Your experience
Please let us know your experience of using the map. Contact Ciara and let us know how you found the new interactive map. If your school is not on the map, it may not have a location, so please contact us and let us know.


We hope you enjoy travelling around the global network of Jesuit schools on our new interactive map!