12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home (Painting #1 – “Song of the Leaves”)

Fr. Roy M. Thottam, SJ, Jesuit in Kerala Province, in India, shares another set of 12 of his beautiful paintings and reflections. We will be posting them as a series of articles for the next 12 Fridays!

This is a new series of painting and reflections related to ‘Caring of Our Common Home’, called «12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home». Which all teachers in our global community are welcome to use as a set of resources.

To read an introduction shared by Fr. Roy on his work, and also see the paintings and reflections that were shared in the previous series for Faith Formation, please follow this link 12 Reflections on Paintings for Faith Formation.

We hope you enjoy and use these extraordinary and unique paintings as part of your school’s «Care for Our Common Home» programs and with your students in your classrooms. With other educators from your school and our global community.

12 Reflections on Paintings for Our Common Home – Painting #1 “Song of the Leaves”, and Reflection #1 “Song of the Leaves”.


Song of the Leaves    

Leaves speak with its magnificent and varied shapes and colours.

They are turned towards the Sun and mysteriously in contact with the earth.

They hide the secrets of the Moon.

Mysterious are their languages.

The birds play with them and rest on them.

The life streams run through them.

Their eyes are ever open to watch the universe.

The leaves share with the wind the secrets of the day and night.

They dance with the rhythm of life and death.

They adore beauty and decorate the earth.