New features for October

By Mark Cummins
Oct 18th, 2016

Photo gallery

We have added a photo gallery section to the site (Resources/Photos). You can also like and comment on photos and we will be uploading new albums to the gallery as we find them. You can view all of our albums here and there is also an album dedicated to the global map which is also worth taking a look at.



Profile Photos

Last month, we added a library for members to upload photos. Its really great to see the community using this feature and sharing content. You can now see recent photos on each members profile page.




Conversation Views

We have added views for conversations. Every time a conversation is viewed, the view counter will go up and we hope this will help us to find conversations which the community are most interested in.

You can see the most viewed/read conversations by clicking conversations/most read in the menu.


Social media account linking

We also added a way for members to link their Educate Magis accounts. When signing in, you can click one of the social media icons (Facebook/Twitter/Google+/LinkedIn) and this will bring up new page where you can link your accounts.

This feature is convenient as it makes re-signing back into our site that bit easier.


We will keep you up to date on all the site updates as they happen. If you have any questions or comments on these updates please get in touch. We would love to hear from you!