Human Rights Day (Instituto Nun’Alvres – Portugal)

Human Rights are a set of rights recognized as the most basic and essentials to human life. “Human Rights Day” is celebrated by the international community on December 10, to commemorate the date of the adoption of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, in 1948, by the United Nations Assembly.

In Colégio das Caldinhas, in Instituto Nun’Alvres, this day was dedicated to raising awareness of the educational community for the violation of human rights, occurring in different parts of the world, enhancing the inalienable rights of every citizen and the need for a continuous commitment to respect them.

Starting from an interdisciplinary, collaborative and cooperative work between some subjects like, TIC ( Technology), Critical Thinking and Citizenship and Development, using Project-Based Learning with classes from 5th and 6th grades, a world map was built and exposed in the school corridors. Each map had the five continents, with information about their countries and notes about human rights violations that occur in each country. It was also made an awareness video.

This activity was essential to celebrate this important date, “Human Rights Day”, but mainly to make our students think about all the violations that still exist, to stimulate collaborative work and to promote students’ integral development, in their multiple aspects: cognitive, affective and social.

Our students are the future, so they must care about the world and all its beings, they must know the world and make part of its changes, they must have an important role in the society and fight against all violations towards others.